The best way to add a large group of students to the Symphony Learning roster is through the use of the Import Students or Import Staff buttons in the Symphony Administration Panel. These buttons are available to school or district Administrators in the Students and Staff tabs. The import tools allow the upload of a formatted template that contains information on students, teachers, and class assignments.

Step 1: Download the Import Template

Click here to download the Student Import Template File, a comma-separated (CSV) file that contains the proper fields necessary for importing students.

Click here to download the Staff Import Template File, a comma-separated (CSV) file that contains the proper fields necessary for importing teachers and administrators.

Step 2: Add Import Information

Open the Import Template using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Add the information to the file.

  • The first row of the Import Template file contains field headings. Your finished import template file MUST contain this first line.
  • If you choose to not include optional fields, leave them blank in the template.

Student Fields

Field NameRequired?TypeMax.
ACCOUNT#YESNumber6Same Account# that is used to
login to Administration Panel
FIRSTNAMEYESLetters/Numbers64Student’s first name. The first name may contain letters, numbers, underscores, periods, apostrophes, dashes, and spaces.
MINoLetters/Numbers1Middle Initial
LASTNAMENoLetters/Numbers64Student’s last name. The first name may contain letters, numbers, underscores, periods, apostrophes, dashes, and spaces.

* Must be unique for all students in district
* Using StudentID from Student Management System is recommended
* May contain underscores, periods, apostrophes, and dashes. The username cannot contain any spaces.

PASSWORDYESLetters/Numbers64No spaces
GRADEYESLetters/Numbers2Must be PK,K, or number 1-13
CLASSNoLetters/Numbers32The name of the class that the student is currently in. If the exact class name is not found, a new one will be created.
EXTERNALIDNoLetters/Numbers128A unique ID for the student that is used to link the student to an outside data source. Not visible after import.

Staff Fields

Field NameRequired?TypeMax.
ACCOUNT#YESNumber6Same Account# that is used to
login to Administration Panel
FIRSTNAMEYESLetters/Numbers64Student’s first name. The first name may contain letters, numbers, underscores, periods, apostrophes, dashes, and spaces.
LASTNAMENoLetters/Numbers64Student’s last name. The first name may contain letters, numbers, underscores, periods, apostrophes, dashes, and spaces.
EMAILYESEmail128Staff member's email address. Must be proper email format.

* Must be unique for all Staff members in the entire Symphony Learning database.
* Using staff member email address is recommended
* May contain underscores, periods, apostrophes, and dashes. The username cannot contain any spaces.

PASSWORDNoLetters/Numbers64No spaces, must be at least 8 characters long with numbers and letters.
* If no password is provided for a new staff member, a random one will be created.
* If no password is provided for an existing staff member, they will keep their current password.
ROLEYESLetters3One of the following:

DAA - District Admin Access
DCA - District Read-Only Access
SAA - School Administrative Access
SCA - School Read-Only Access
C - Class Access
CRO - Class Read-Only Access
CLASSNoLetters/Numbers32The name of the class that the student is currently in. If the exact class name is not found, a new one will be created.
EXTERNALIDNoLetters/Numbers128A unique ID for the student that is used to link the student to an outside data source. Not visible after import.

Step 3: Send the Import Template

Click 'Browse' above to locate the Import File that you saved in Step 2. When you click 'Browse...', a prompt will ask you to locate the Import File. In most cases, this file will be located on the Desktop, where you downloaded it in Step 1.

Step 4: Confirm the Import

Review the Import Information. If the information is correct, click 'Finish' to complete the import. If the information is not correct, click 'Previous' to return to the previous step.