The HELP data view provides teachers with details on students that are currently struggling in the Symphony Math instructional program. When the program slows the pace of instruction as much as possible, and students cannot achieve mastery, they appear in this data view. A wealth of information is available by pressing the different areas of this view. 




The student name. Press a name to see the student’s Data Dashboard.


The Stage number that represents the point in the Symphony Math curriculum in which a student is struggling.


The number of tries at the specific level of difficulty that the student has tried without showing mastery (80% or higher)

Challenging Tasks

Press any icon to see a fully working Task Preview. Yellow icons indicate that the student was able to solve in 2 tries. Red icons indicate that the student needed more than 2 tries.


The national standard associated with this area of the Symphony Math curriculum.

Recommended Guided Practice

Suggested offline materials for use with this student. Guided Practice materials are NOT homework. They are specific, directed activities that the student can complete in small groups or 1:1 interventions. 


Check this box to mark that the Guided Practice has been given to the student.


A list of resources available to help guide you in your assistance.