At the most detailed view, teachers can see details on individual students. The Student Daily Use data view provides a look at every session of use by the student, and contains live previews of every task completed by the student. The data in this view is arranged with the most recent information at the top. Each session of use has its own area, and is organized by task groups (8 tasks).
Heading | Description |
Date/Time/Duration | Above each session, the date, time, and number of minutes that the student was actively using the program. |
Stage | The student’s current location within the Symphony Math curriculum. The Stage numbering is as follows: {Stage}.{Concept/Skill}.{Difficulty Level} Where '8.6.5' means Stage 8, Skill 6, Difficulty Level 5 |
Concept | A short description of the concept worked on in this task group during the session. |
Standard | The math standard associated with the tasks worked on in this group. |
Score | The percent score of the student upon completion of the task group.
Tasks | Results from each of the tasks completed during the student’s work. Green: success in 1 try Yellow: 2 tries Red: More than 2 tries >>: Student already completed these tasks last session ... : Student ended their session in the middle of the task group |
For more information on the Symphony Math Adaptive Branching system, please see this Knowledge Base article: